This machine are ideal for curbs, gutters, around tanks, forms, columns, footings, guard railings, drainage ditches, gas and sewer works and building construction. The asphalt models are suitable for hot or cold asphalt applications in confined areas.Optimally suited for a variety of compaction applications due to high travel speeds and ease of maneuverability. Pandhuan nangani kanthi getar sing dipateni getaran getar lan nyuda lemes. Tank banyu sing akeh lan pambuka pangisi kanggo nambah produktivitas. Tough ductile iron baseplate is extremely durable even under extremely conditions and provides for long service. Optional wheel kit offer easier moving and transport.
Kompuraktor piring getar utamane cocog kanggo bahan kompak kanthi adhesion sing sithik lan gesekan ing antarane partikel, kayata wedhi kali, watu ulig, lan aspal. Parameter sing utama saka kompurator piring kedher kalebu: Boten saka piring kerja, pasukan sakabèhé, kekuwatan, lan frekuensi eksitasi. Umumé, area piring ngisor spesifikasi sing padha, saéngga kompaktor pengaruh piring sing rata utamane kena pengaruh kualitas, kekuwatan eksprasi, lan frekuit eksitasi mesin kasebut. The excitation force is mainly used to maintain the forced vibration of the compacted material; Frekuensi eksitasi mengaruhi efisiensi kompak lan jurusan, yaiku ing sangisoré kekuwatan suket, luwih frekuensi eksitasi, sing luwih dhuwur kompaction efisiensi.
Kompaktor bidirectional utamane digunakake ing operasi kompaksi, utamane kanggo operasi kompaksi ing terowongan sempit, lan bisa digunakake kanggo nyipta dhasar Yayasan lan trotoer Asphalt. And it has some characteristics, which are:
Prinsip kerja kompaktor bidirectional kaya ing ngisor iki: Mesin ing kompurasi rata nggawa eksklusif kanggo ngasilake geter liwat klac lan pulam ngisor tetep bebarengan. To change the direction of vibration, it can be achieved by rotating the eccentric block. Furthermore, to achieve forward vibration, in-place vibration, and backward vibration.
Newly designed DUR-600 plate compactor has a tamping capacity of 60kN. It has the advantages of small size and large tamping strength. Ukuran fuselage mung padha karo HUR-300, lan kekuwatan tamping yaiku kaping pindho saka hur-300 (30 kn kanggo hur-300).
Digunakake utamane kanggo kompaker subrige, lumahing lereng (embankment), bangku compaction, groove pit kompaksi lan kompacaksi dhasar kompleks liyane.
This machine are ideal for curbs, gutters, around tanks, forms, columns, footings, guard railings, drainage ditches, gas and sewer works and building construction. The asphalt models are suitable for hot or cold asphalt applications in confined areas.Optimally suited for a variety of compaction applications due to high travel speeds and ease of maneuverability. Pandhuan nangani kanthi getar sing dipateni getaran getar lan nyuda lemes. Tank banyu sing akeh lan pambuka pangisi kanggo nambah produktivitas. Tough ductile iron baseplate is extremely durable even under extremely conditions and provides for long service. Optional wheel kit offer easier moving and transport.