• Alat getar konkrit listrik didorong kanthi motor frekuensi dhuwur. It is applicable to cast-in-situ concrete of prefabricated beams and columns of various bridges, tunnels and building foundations, and is an indispensable tool in concrete construction.

  • Mesin bensin, fleksibel lan trep kanggo konstruksi ruangan.

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  • CV-50/70 1,5 kW / 2.0 kW Electrente alat alat getar

    CV-50/70 1,5 kW / 2.0 kW Electrente alat alat getar

    Mobil kasebut duwe kinerja jampel sing apik kanggo njamin keamanan operator.

  • HCV-35 Honda GX-35 Pundhak Mbalik Gasoline
  • Poker vibration High-Frekuensi Dinamis, bebarengan karo vibrator dhuwur frekuensi dv-230, bisa muter ing 12000 rpm. It can greatly improve the strength of concrete and reduce bubbles and hollows. Vibrating poker can be selected from 20mm to 80mm in diameter and 2m to 8m in length. It can calmly deal with the working conditions of various concrete pouring.

  • Dynamic water pump can be equipped with Honda gasoline engine or motor (different voltages can be customized), light weight, strong water absorption, and can work normally in turbid sewage. Selang digawe saka bahan kekuatan sing dhuwur kaya beton poker, yaiku tusunan tahan lan duwe urip sing dawa.

  • Znf-50 poker vibrator dhuwur-frekuensi

    Znf-50 poker vibrator dhuwur-frekuensi

    Integrasi, kekuwatan lan poker tetep, transmisi torsi luwih efisien, lan pasukan geter luwih seragam.

    12000 rpm, frekuensi ultra-dhuwur.

  • Urip layanan sing dawa, frekuensi getar sing dhuwur, pasukan geter gedhe lan kinerja biaya sing dhuwur.

    Sumber daya bisa dilengkapi karo Honda / Robin / Kohler / Longxin / Longxin lan mesin bensin liyane lan motor 100-46V.

  • Poker getar dinamis bisa dipilih saka diameter 20mm nganti 80mm lan dawa 16m nganti 16m. Iki bisa ngatasi urusan karo kahanan kerja ing macem-macem konkrit.